Friday, May 06, 2005

LinkedIn the Fishtank

2 interesting events happened today. 1st-linkedIn and 2nd-the fish tank.

An invite for "LinkedIn" was sent to my mail this morning by my fellow brudder Markus. Having experienced those SMS and pseudo "virus" like websites, I was initially apprehensive to accept. But what the heck....... just do it lah...... and “woha lau eh”.... it turned out to be really interesting.

To cut things short, "LinkedIn" is like a networking thing where everybody seems to be somewhat related to Kevin Bacon sort of stuff..... like how all of us are related to Adam and Eve. Highly recommended website "". Must visit. Maybe we can be somewhat related to Bill Gates or Nelson Mandela? hehehe!

Another eventful thing which happened today was the cleaning of the company's fish tank.... ok.... ok.... Let me set the record straight. I am NOT doing this to score points with my bosses yeah! How I wished I had the picture of the "before" state. It was truly a disgrace. Algae, foul smell of what appeared to be a combination of ammonia and nitrogen based compounds...... H2S or what ever that crap was.... it was just super “stinko-winko”!

I just couldn’t bear to see the state of the tank. The poor fishes. Based on my poor knowledge of fish "nam-o-logy". I believe the initial school of molly fishes dwindled from a prosperous 8 "Fat", to a "pantang" 4..... As in "see" or "sei". (Die and die in hokkien and Cantonese respectively). Furthermore, one of the angelfish (I think) had to be brought back by one of my fellow colleagues Whui-Li for spa therapy.

The both of us being animal lovers had to do something.... really fast. Having only pails and some basic tank cleaning equipment, we had to hold our breadths and clear the grub at the bottom of the tank which also required numerous scoops of the pail to completely empty the tank.

The glass was scrubbed down and we refilled the tank with new sand. I managed to purchase a "shipwreck" from the 24hr aquarium located in Clementi. The sense of satisfaction set in after a new batch of water was filled into the tank and the shipwreck put into place. The glass was crystal clear and the fishes looked happier.Well. it all took us from 1730hrs to 1900hrs to complete the job.... no joke man.... My 1st try cleaning the fish tank. It was really a good workout or rather a good excuse to skip the treadmill! hehehe......

Definitely an eventful day. Indeed satisfying!


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