Wednesday, May 11, 2005


This is one word dreaded by career folks. What is restructuring? Why? Change again? Shucks...... What is going to happen? Will my job be at stake? Do I need to report to a different boss? Will my work hours turn for the worst? Will my new boss like me? Will I feel motivated as how I was or am?

Frankly speaking, this was what I went through in 2002. It was a bad year. Was in a job for 6 months (including my 3weeks spent in-camp training) Right after that, I returned from serving my country hearing that my rice bowl is actually made of "light bulb glass".

Before that, I was riding high. Was fully motivated. Made a lot of positive changes to the department. Managed to serve the customer better. Improved on all KPIs. Unbelievable achievement.

However, when the word "restructuring" came around. No matter whether you are the best manager in town or be it the best athlete in the world. When the biosphere is taken out from you, there will be nothing that u can really do about.

I was sad, I was scared. I just got married. I got finances. I got a pool of staff to manage but they will have nothing to do in 6 months time. How? What should I do for myself and for them?

Life is about trials. You have reached a roadblock. An obstacle. You must decide on managing the problem. Must tackle it like a pro.

Indeed life was tough. The 40 or so staff who worked under my care were worried. Some asked questions, some pretended nothing happened, some chose to look for alternative plans. I could do nothing to stop them from leaving. I can't. I really can't.

I would be selfish to get them to stay knowing there would be nothing for them in 6 months. They leave, I wish them the best and make do with the rest. I had to manage the situation. The customer would be pulling out in 6 months. We still had to fulfill the shipments. After all, they are still paying for our services. Every few days, I will look at the staff list; I will try to match their job skills to potential new customers. This went on and on....... it was really tough... i broke down a few times..... had to have that emotional release........ would have gone bongkus if I didnt have a source of release.

Somehow, god was on my side. When the last shipment went out, all of us were re-assigned to other areas in the company. Some didn’t like it. Some simply accepted it. Some took the opportunity to buy time and subsequently left. However, I was glad that most of them appreciated the company’s effort. Some thanked me. I was happy, I felt satisfied......

It was a real challenge for me. It taught me a few things. Based on what happened, i realized that being a thoughtful boss is important. I need to care for them. I need to be genuine in what I do. I must deliver what I promise or commit.

Being a forward looker is essential for our survival. If the road block leads to a dead end, we need to maneuver out of it. If there is a gap which can be built with a bridge, the knowledge and foresight to build one is important.

I really can’t express all my thoughts in one session. But to summarize on overcoming restructuring…….. Being genuine, being able to adapt quickly and have a great foresight are some elements of overcoming such trials.


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