Sunday, May 15, 2005

Promo Poster

I have to admit that I don't have the eye for minute details. But today was an exception.

After taking the family down for dinner at Purvis Street, we did a bit of shopping and came back to our estate. Noticing bright lights coming from the neighbouring block, we decided to pay the exhibition a visit

Just a bit of background. the estate which I am currently living is scheduled for volting for MUP & LUP. The void deck of one of the blocks have been transformed into a exhibition hall where minuture models are built to display the transformed estates after the Major Upgrading Program and Lift Upgrading Program. For a mere fraction of the cost, the existing flat dwellers can have a new "utility room" and refurbished bathroom flooring and ceiling etc etc.....

One highlight is the lift upgrades. the proposed diagrams actually have one lift stoppping at each floor shared by 2 unit of flats! Wow! isnt that great! the condo which i would be moving into will have 3 lifts shared between 6 units but up to 24 floors as compared to 12 in the current old estate

anyway, before I get out of point, the colorful posters which protray the future estate actually boasts a new carpark. It featured high end continential models. there was a merc, Audi A6, VW Passat (i think) and a Porsche 911...... hmm.... not too sure if the residents lost their priorities or have very rich visitors.

In reality, the estate being mature, have a number of oldies who are currently being supported by their next generations or living off their remaining CPF savings. although the renovation amount appears to be low, there are already some "complaining" based on my conversations with the shop keepers at the nearby block.

therefore in reality, an estate renewal also meant that the existing townfolk are left to "downgrade" and move away. simply because they cannot afford it.

It was indeed a time for me to reflect and realise that there are people out there who feel the effects of even the slightest economic changes..... not to mention the cost of transportation which is currently in hot debate.


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